In Africa Discovered Remnants of a 200,000 Year Old Anunnaki Civilization

Something amazing was found in South Africa, about 150 km west of port Maputo, the remnants of an enormous city which is on surface of about 1500 square kilometers. This metropolis belongs to a bigger community with around 10,000 square kilometers and is through to have been built 160,000 to 200,000 years b.c.

The area is far and the locals have frequently seen the “circles” who thought they were created by some native people living long time ago. Nevertheless, strangely, nobody so far tried to investigate their origins. Not until Michael Tellinger together with Johan Heine, a local firemen and pilot who noticed the remnants a long time ago, chose to inquire. Heine was lucky to watch these amazing ruins from the above and realized that their importance was not acknowledged.

Tellinger claims these finds are so amazing that it will require an entire change in the way we see our human history.

The nearby geology is intriguing because of the many gold mines in the region. Scientists have suggested that a long gone civilization could have lived there and dug gold. This civilization could have been the Anunnaki:

According to Sitchin 450,000 B.C the climate on the birth planet of the Anunnaki Nibiru was destroyed and they needed gold to fix the atmosphere.

445,000 A.C. – They arrived on Earth and set up their base in Eridu, planning to dig gold from the Persian Gulf. Their leader was Enki, child of Anu.

416,000 B.C. – The decrease of gold production was the reason for the arrival of Anu together with child Enlil to Earth. Anu chose Africa’s gold mines and assigned Enlil head of the Earth mission.

400,000 A. C. – In southern Mesopotamia there were seven advanced countries, among which “Sipar”, “Nippur” and “Shuruppak”. After the processing of the gold, it was taken from Africa with spacecrafts into space.

See more: The Anunnaki Are Returning?

These amazing structures can be seen with Google Earth at the following coordinates:

Carolina: 25 55 ‘53.28? S / 30 16 ‘13.13? E

Badplaas: 25 47 ‘33.45? S / 30 40 ‘38.76? E

Waterval: 25 38 ‘07.82? S / 30 21 ‘18.79? E

Machadodorp: 25 39 ‘22.42? S / 30 17 ‘03.25? E

They are composed of stone circles, whereas the majority has been covered by sand and could be seen just by plane or satellites. Some have been affected by climate change whereas they are no longer covered by sand, and the walls and foundations are visible.

Telling adds that it demonstrates that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians acquired all their knowledge from an old progressive species that inhabited in southern Africa over 200,000 years ago and were digging gold.

They were the civilization that created the first Horus bird, the Sphinx, constructed the pyramids and made a precise stone calendar in the middle of them. Adam’s Calendar is the crown jewel among a many spherical stone remains, old streets, farming terraces and mines, abandoned by a long gone people which are now called the FIRST PEOPLE. These were the antecedent of all people today with incredible understanding of the energy fields on Earth.

They cut elaborate pictures in the firmest stone, believed in the sun, and cut  depiction of the Egyptian Ankh – source of life and universal knowledge, two millenniums years before the Egyptians appeared. Tellinger shows this revolutionary new proof in his last book Temples of the African Gods.

It shows these finds and will certainly be the trigger for revising our prehistoric human history!

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