The Ubermensch sleep cycle used by Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla

Do you like sleeping or you think you could use time better than to sleep, like Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci?

Indeed, sleep is significant and there’s nothing disputable in saying this. People who do not sleep long enough are inclined to eat more, drive like under the influence of alcoholic, cannot study and so on. It is like something is consuming our brain. Although it is very significant it does not mean that we have to do it in one round.

Siesta isn’t new idea, despite the fact that sleeping spots are the new “thing” in the modern offices you see on the web. Ordinary citizens in the pre-Industrial period divided their night’s sleep into two parts. However, some geniuses throughout the history were going further.

Apparently Tesla and da Vinci divided their sleep to more than three times a day, in what is known as polyphasic sleeping, or the Übermensch sleep cycle. It can be modified in a manner that suits your requirements. It is comprised of six 20-minute sleeping equally divided during the day.

Allegedly da Vinci slept like this, Claudio Stampi wrote that in his book from 1992 “Why We Nap”. According to his unique sleep cycle, da Vinci slept 15 minutes at regular intervals of four hours for a total of 1.5 hours sleep a day. Along these lines he picked up 6 additional beneficial hours daily. If he pursued this routine, he ought to have “got” an extra 20 years of productivity in his 67 years of life.

According to the Smithsonian magazine Tesla’s teachers were concerned about his working and sleeping routing that they told his father about it. They think that could have triggered his mental breakdown at the age of 25. He supposedly never slept for over 2 hours every day.

It is evident why somebody could decide to make these short sleeps in odd hours. When sleep we lose time that could be spent on working or creating.

Additional time invested resting implies less energy for profitability. A research released in Work and Stress from 1989 concluded that these techniques of polyphasic sleep enhance production. One will have more time to do things, but also one will achieve better results. Thus if you want to have a go with this Übermensch cycle don’t be extreme like to Tesla, but do it more moderately.

You can find out more about the polyphasic sleep in the book: ” Ubersleep: Nap-Based Sleep Schedules and the Polyphasic Lifestyle”

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